

The ClimNet project’s aims at developing new mathematical methods to supervise (with validated experimental results of Gene-Gene interactions) Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to build Gene Regulatory Networks. These new methods will be applied in a biological context with very broad implications since they will be used to model molecular responses of plants to climate-change- and nutritional-related variables. Indeed, the industrial revolution has released an important amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which modifies the climate, leading to a combination of drought, and high temperature episodes.

To date, the effect of these new environmental variables (CO2, Temperature, Drought) is poorly known in particular when studied in combination with other environmental variables important for plant growth and development (Nutrition for instance). Since, photosynthetic organisms (such as higher plants) are a major sink for carbon (CO2), knowing i) how they respond to such combination of signals as well as ii) determining key element of gene regulatory networks, would provide fundamental knowledge that might help mitigate the effect of global warming and potentially secure food production.

Mots clés

Partenaires du projet


Gabriel KROUK

Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Montpellier

(UMR5004) Montpellier


André MAS


(UMR5149) Montpellier


Antoine MARTIN

Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Montpellier

(UMR5004) Montpellier

This picture has been generated by a Generative Adversarial Network (VQ-GAN + Clip) using a picture of plants taken by Gabriel Krouk in the lab. A well chosen prompt has been added to make this IA-generated artistic picture referring to “the role of plants in the context of a warming planet ''. The algorithm has been deployed by Dr Clement Carre team at BionomeeX ©.
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